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Video Production Sydney

How Video Production Is Becoming The Most Used Source Of Information

If there was a time you ever thought corporate video was just another overly hyped fad, you may want to think that notion again. In actual matter of fact, video production Sydney is increasingly gaining momentum and power as the basis of content marketing and information.

The catch—most content viewers prefer corporate videos to white papers, live demos and case studies. And this is something any small-business owner should factor into their marketing strategy.

So, Why Choose Video?

The web trends around corporate video production and video editing are ver interesting. YouTube, the video sharing site is the world’s number two search engine after Google. This basically leads to a conclusion that we are reading less than before. But the video situation we are witnessing is more compelling than that. The major question you may ask yourself is: why choose video production over other forms of marketing.

Let’s begin like this—according to Susan Weinschenk, a Ph.D expert, also known as the “Brain Lady.” As an author, consultant and leading speaker to brands like Disney, Amazon, South By Southwest and Wal-Mart, she conveys an in-depth understanding into the psychology involved among customers, and why they behave in a certain manner.

Her research findings discovered four main reasons why humans are drawn to corporate video.

1. The fusiform Facial part enables us to pay more attention to faces

This involves brain function hard-wiring us to use human faces as a focal point for believability and information.

2. The human voice relays rich information

The simple sound of a human voice speaking in a video has a profound way for conveying raw information into useful and meaningful content.

3. Sentiments are contagious

This is a subtle, yet so powerful aspect that is normally taken for granted. The sentiments and emotions involved in body language are so appealing and wonderful to share.

4. Movement captures attention

One trait that goes way deep into the collective anthropological DNA, is the effect of peripheral motion. Dating back from the stone age, we’ve always survived by taking note of moving things—and it appears we still do!

How You Can Leverage 100 percent Human Connection to Videos

Although the web has made video production a lot easier, many people are now tapping into the field of producing their own videos. Despite this being the fact, if you want to increase the prospect of your video production going viral, you need the services of a professional video production company.

Video is the future, and if you are looking to record a professional, quality looking video that will entice potential customers, the need for a reputable video production company simply cannot be ignored. According to Nielsen, 64 percent of marketers expect video production to dominate their marketing strategies in the future, it’s hard not to see why.

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